From Eileen
September 19, 2020
I guess when your schooling is free, you don’t feel the need to learn anything. Just because they “went to college” doesn’t mean they were educated in anything but football.
Maybe they played hooky, did not apply themselves, did not read the books,
did not study for the exams, etc. Maybe they just slept during the classes?
(Do not miss the last one!)
NEW YORK (World News Bureau) – In a recent polling of 585 NFL players, nearly all of them were unsure of exactly what they are protesting when kneeling during the National Anthem before a football game.
Here’s a sampling of responses to the question:
“What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?”
« “Pretty sure it’s against Nazis – especially the white ones.”
« “We’re protesting America becoming capitalistic instead of equal.”
« “I’m protesting against Trump saying black lives don’t matter.”
« “We’re against global warming and the police..“
« “We’re showing the world that we care about, ah, things such
as…. such as…ah, freedom from suppression?”
« “Me and my fellow players are protesting the Constitution of
Independence because of what it does to people of color.”
« “We are displaying our right to stand up by kneeling for our beliefs.”
« “We are protesting Trump, because he, you know, keeping the
black man down.”
« “Myself is kneeling to show that just because I’m American
don’t mean I got to act like one.”
Well, at least they are prepared to run for public office in any of the Municipal commercial corporations called known as ‘Counties’, ‘State of States’ and U.S., Inc.! Isn’t that where the cream of the crop rises to …I mean look at Joe Biden?
All above comments are from National Football League players with 4years of an American College “Education”.
Average player salary is $1,900,000
Go team !!!