(1) Isn’t it weird that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don’t?
(2) How can the federal government ask “citizens of the United States”(should be citizens of the several States) to payback student loans, when illegal aliens are receiving a free education?
(3) Only in America are legal citizens labeled “racists” and “Nazis,”but illegal aliens are all “Dreamers”
(4) Liberals say,”If confiscating all guns saves just one life,it’s worth it “Well then, if deporting all … illegals saves just one life, wouldn’t that be worth it?
(5) I can’t quite figure out how you can proudly wave the flag of another country, but consider it punishment to be sent back there.
(6) The Constitution:Itdoesn’t need to berewritten, it needs tobereread
(7) William F.Buckleysaid: “Liberals claim towant to give ahearing toother points of view, andare then shockedandoffended when theydiscover there are otherpoints ofview.”
(8) Joseph Sobransaid:”‘Need’ now meanswanting someoneelse’smoney. ‘Greed’ meanswanting to keepyourown. ‘Compassion’ iswhen apoliticianarranges the transfer.”
(9)The Liberals, Antifa, NFL, Democrats, RINOs, Black LivesMatter, Communists in our Country, Socialists in ourCountry, Marxists in our Country and Fascists in our CountryDISS the “Flag of the United States” (Yes, that is theREAL flag enacted by a Statue of the United States on April4, 1818 – 3 Stat. 415) and yet require our Flag of theUnited States to be lowered to half-mast to Honor JohnMcCain, being a Songbird that broadcasts on the Viet CongRadio against the United States and wet-started a jet as a joke on the Forrestal Aircraft Carrier resulting in a firewith 134 men Dying.
…is this weird, strange or what?