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Brain-Based Technology Could End the Immigration Crisis

By Arlene ScharLeffler and Dr. David Leffler It is not necessary for President Trump to "shut down" the US govern mentor close down the Southern US Border to obtain ideal border security. A scientific, field-tested solution to the immigration crisis...

The End of Wells Fargo

The End of Wells Fargo

From Rickity Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the countless scandals plaguing Wells Fargo topped by the slumping housing market which is forcing the insolvent bank to lay off 638 mortgage employees. From creating millions...

Soros Group Kicked Out Of Hungary

By Rev. Austin Miles - Oct 21, 2018 After growing pressure from the right-wing-government in Hungary, George Soros’ pro-democracy Open Society Foundation, was shown the door to get out of the country. Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the midst of...

Racist – me?

Racist – me?

This an interesting and different point of view from Britain. Food for thought. When does political correctness go too far? A thought provoking passage written by an English man about the current situation HIS homeland - this is thought provoking and is equally relevant in...

Pure Democracy is Evil

By Steve van Horn A SIMPLE DEFINITIONPure "democracy" is rule by majority. In effect, it is mob rule. A DISCUSSIONHow many times do you hear elected officials referring to "our democratic form of government" or accusing someone of acting in...

Progressives Have Arrived at Their  Veruca Salt Moment

Progressives Have Arrived at Their Veruca Salt Moment

By Robert Curry Until recently and on the whole they have been remarkably patient. From their beginning over a century ago, they have been quite far-sighted, keeping their eyes on the prize, always advancing their agenda while at the same...

Irrefutable Mystery of the Century : the Obama mystery Man ???

Irrefutable Mystery of the Century : the Obama mystery Man ???

Never once did the Press Ever mention his White Mother who did drugs and tricks for money…….or his Drug Addict Father……Never Once did you hear about it. We all heard about Jimmy Carter’s Mother, Clinton’s Parents, George Bush, Jr.’s parents...

VICTORY! Migrant caravan leaders admit defeat; UPDATE

…and here’s the Update: From the Horn News NOVEMBER 1, 2018 President Donald Trump’s promise to defend the United States border from outside invaders seems to be paying off. The migrant caravan of thousands of would-be illegal immigrants — some...

Hordes Of Third World Migrants To Storm Southern Border

by Kelleigh Nelson Oct 29, 2018 Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 (The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the U.S.-MexicanWar) is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of...


(1) Isn't it weird that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don’t? (2) How can the federal government ask “citizens of the United States”(should be citizens of the several States) to payback student loans, when illegal aliens are receiving a free education? (3) Only in...

Border Jumpers

From Gary Sundland — 24 October, 2018 Our walk through life is our testimony. Right now there's a growing concern about a convoy of so called refugees allegedly walking across Honduras, through Guatemala and Mexico towards the US border. Last...

Antifa’s Red Army Is Orchestrating A Communist Revolution

By Kelleigh Nelson    —   Oct 23, 2018 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people...

545 vs. 300,000,000 People

by Charlie Reese......This column was originally published in the Orlando Sentinel on Feb. 3, 1984.THIS IS UNITING, NOT DIVIDING . . . WHETHER YOU ARE A DEM, REPUB OR INDEPENDENT THIS IS TRUTH of who it is that in the...
